Tag: THC

How To Do A THC Detox

Sometimes too much of a good thing can have a negative effect on you. If you are a regular cannabis user and you find that you need more THC to get an effect from your body, it could be wise for you to consider a detox or THC cleanse. Performing a cleanse could be a great way to change your tolerance, better control your dose or prepare for an upcoming drug test if THC is a banned substance for athletic performance or your workplace. Here are some of the best strategies for THC detox.

Stay Hydrated

You’ve likely heard of some over-the-counter detox mixtures but these are widely ineffective. One of the best ways that you can dissolve cannabinoids in your system is to stay hydrated so that you can properly flush out your system. Regularly drinking water is important and you can clear out THC faster by using natural fruit juices and vegetables to remove the impurities and toxins as well.


To truly clear THC out of your system, abstinence is one of the best policies. You will have to quit using cannabis products for at least four weeks until you can remove all into THC from your fat cells. By getting off of cannabis products for at least one full month, you can significantly reduce the THC that is in your system and essentially reset your tolerance for cannabis products. If you’ve spent some time in abstinence and you’re regularly staying hydrated, you will notice a big difference if you go back to using cannabis products again. After resetting your tolerance, you may notice that even half or a quarter of the dose that you would typically take 10 be just as effective for you.

Keep some of these ideas in mind if you’re interested in a detox from THC. Remember that a THC detox is not effective with many over the counter remedies.

This post was written by Flo Sugyatno, operations manager of LOCAL’d and cannabis expert. LOCAL’d is a helping hand to the companies that strengthen your community in the Washington, DC area. Helping them to grow through financial and promotional support.… Read More..