2 Acids Can Make Your Skin Look More Radiant

For some men and most women want to have smooth skin, especially facial skin. Because smooth facial skin is still a standard measure of a man’s good looks and a woman’s beauty. Then how do you soften the skin?

Going to beauty clinics, doing sophisticated and expensive skin care, applying a number of creams in the morning, afternoon and evening, may be some spontaneous answers to a number of men and women when asked how to soften the skin.

But there are also some of them who have done the above but don’t reap the results they want. Finally they did a search and ordered cream through the internet. Of course, the cream ingredients they ordered contained substances that they might not have known much.

Here are some cream ingredients contained in skin care creams.

Azelaic Acid

Salicylic, hyaluronic, glycolic, to alpha hydroxy, shows that acid is your ‘best friend’ in treating skin. However, there is still one more acid which is also no less beneficial, namely Azelaic Acid. Azelaic Acid 20% is an acid made naturally from barley and wheat seeds. Having anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, and other properties and properties make Azelaic Acid increasingly diligent as the main ingredient in skin care products to treat acne.

Azelaic Acid has pH dependent properties, which means this content must be at the right acidity to work, ie at pH 4.9 which is more or less the same as the pH of human skin. In addition, Azelaic Acid works as a gentle leave-on exfoliant or gentle exfoliator that will help clear clogged pores and lift the top layer of skin so that the skin surface is smooth again. This content is also said to reduce the skin problem factors that cause redness and anti-oxidant benefits.

Benefits of Azelaic Acid for Skin Health

In 2002, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Azelaic Acid for use as a treatment for acne. When applied to the skin, Azelaic Acid can be absorbed into the pores, and fight acne bacteria from inside because of its anti-bacterial properties. When the bacteria that causes acne have been resolved, the infection that occurs in the pores will recover faster, along with reduced acne. Therefore Azelaic Acid is also an alternative to benzoyl peroxide to treat acne with fewer risks or side effects thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of Azelaic Acid which can relieve redness and inflammation in the area of ​​acne.

Because of its anti-bacterial properties, Azelaic Acid is also an effective ingredient for treating rosacea skin problems caused by bacteria. Since 2007, found the second benefit of Azelaic Acid, which helps brighten the skin. This can happen because Azelaic Acid inhibits the melaniny production process that gives color pigment to the skin. If there is an excess production of melanin, then the skin will appear darker, aka hyperpigmentation. With the content of Azelaic Acid, melanin production in some areas of the skin can be reduced, so that this content can be used to treat hyperpigmentation, black spots, and dull skin.

Kojic Acid

Kojic acid is a mild inhibitor that affects the formation of pigments. Now kojic acid is widely used to preserve food and cosmetic products.

Especially for skin care products, Kojic acid cream functions as skin whitening. Kojic acid prevents the formation of tyrosine, an amino acid needed to produce melanin pigments. Melanin is what affects the color of one’s eyes, skin, and hair. In white people, only a small amount of melanin is formed by melanocytes. Conversely, more melanocyte production will be formed in dark-skinned people.

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Kojic acid is mainly used in beauty products with the following benefits.

  • Remove signs of hyperpigmentation, such as acne scars, age spots, spots, dark circles under the eyes, and black spots
  • Melasma is the most common skin disorder in women with dark skin. The originator can be excessive sun exposure, pregnancy and the use of additional hormones, such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.
  • Natural antiaging, thanks to the ability of kojic acid to bind iron.

The results of using kojic acid depend on the concentration of the active ingredients in the product, starting from a few weeks to months, until they actually show results. In oily skin, it will likely take longer and use more often to get whiter skin. Not only beneficial for the face, this cream made from kojic acid can also be used to brighten the skin on various parts of the body, such as the lower part of the arms, knees, neck, elbows, hands and feet.