How To Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

Young woman applying beauty cream, close up

Spending time outside on a hot summer day is a fun and relaxing way to enjoy the weather. However, too much exposure to the sun without any proper protection can lead to skin damage and illness. To keep yourself safe when spending time outdoors in the summer, be sure to keep these simple tips in mind.

Apply Sunscreen

One of the most basic and effective ways to shield yourself from sun exposure is to apply enough sunscreen. Sunscreen with SPF 30 can block the vast majority of UV rays that may come your way, so use products that offer this level of protection. When looking for Vanicream sunscreen, remember that a simple application of SPF 30 is well worth the hassle when it comes to keeping your skin healthy and safe.

Avoid the Sun During Peak Hours

While it may be tempting to relax at the beach while enjoying a nice lunch, the highest risk of sun damage takes place between late morning and mid-afternoon. To avoid peak UV rays, stay out of direct sunlight between 10 am and 3 pm. Being exposed to the sun during these times puts you at a higher risk of getting sunburned, so make sure that you’re enjoying your summer activities earlier or later in the day.

Wear a Hat

A hat is a practical accessory for warding off the harmful effects of sun exposure. Make sure that you wear a wide-brimmed hat when outside in order to safely protect yourself from the sun’s rays. This accessory can also keep you cool in the heat and allow you to savor the nice weather without being targeted by direct sunlight.

Having a good time in warm weather can still be possible with the right protection. Keep these tips in mind in order to make the most of your summer.