Category: vitamins

Holistic Medicine

Alternative Medicine
More and more people than ever before are becoming interested in natural medicine and a more natural alternative to drugs and surgery for certain health conditions. Even with years of prescription treatments, patients may still become debilitated or even die. 3. Alternative medicines are generally ‘green’. The term “alternative medicine” refers to traditional and other methods of treatments for which there is no discernible scientific basis.

The Washington Post is defined as a complete medical strategies for conventional medical treatment such as acupuncture, Reiki and herbs containing them. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) refers to an array of traditional medical practices, such as acupuncture, dietary therapy, etc., developed in China.

When an alternative medicine therapy is used in addition to – not instead of – conventional therapy, it’s called complementary. The term “scientific medicine” which is also called modern medicine, conventional or Western medicine refers to methods of medical treatment based purely or largely on science.

Many people assume that herbal medicines are better than synthetic drugs simply because, well, they are natural and not synthetic, therefore present no risk. This science is a combination of all the unconventional practices that are used to prevent, diagnose, improve, and treat any form of illness.


Alternative Medicine
The yoga system is deemed as a healing practice. 6. Alternative medicine recognizes the true nature of disease and sickness. People might abuse of natural medicines the same way as they do it in the case of synthetic drugs. Today doctors and other health professionals are taught to respect their patients and their opinions.

Limonene: A compound found in citrus fruits, has demonstrated apoptotic effects in liver cancer cells in vitro. So many people are becoming interested in how holistic healing works as an alternative to prescribed drugs, many of which treat symptoms rather than deal with the underlying causes of disease.

It safeguards from the unpredictability and ambiguity of practices and remedies of alternative medicine. Traditionally practitioners of scientific medicine looked down upon alternative treatments as unscientific. 5. Alternative medicines don’t just heal ailments.

Crystal Healing

Alternative medicine is any practice that is outside of normal Western medicine. Treatments like homeopathy, and other interventions such as yoga, rhythmic breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation, and chanting techniques other complementary treatment, many of which have significantly reduced stress-induced psychological disorders.

The Alternative Medicine Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides consumers and professionals with responsible, evidence-based information on the integration of alternative and conventional medicine. The faith in alternative medicine is rising very steeply and it is estimated that as much as 50% of the American people are using some form of alternative treatment.

Mushroom Extracts: Active hexose correlated compound (AHCC), a compound derived from polysaccharides extracted from mushrooms, may prolong survival and improve prognosis of patients with advance liver cancer and delay the gradual decline of their physiological status.

Home Remedies For Pimples

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine system pioneered and developed by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, around the end of the 18th century. 7. Alternative medicine … Read More..

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Mental Health
Psychotherapy is an interpersonal relationship used by psychotherapists to attain patients well-being. If you feel physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, lack of sleep, irritability, restlessness, tightness of the chest, stomach churning, and a overwhelmed feeling you may want to look at making some changes in your life. Today, the treating physician as well as the active family members are directly responsible for integrating people with mental illness into society.

The clinical profession of human psychology recognizes mental processes, their effects upon human behavior, and even helps treat behavioral or emotional disorders. Depression and anxiety are the most common health conditions. Mental health problems are painful – emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found people on a low carbohydrate diet experienced more depression, anxiety and anger than those on a low fat, high carbohydrate diet. 7) Set goals: when people are feeling depressed, aimless, or like they are just going through the motions, often times its because they are lacking general direction.

Although, care management can be very helpful for those issues, we also see a huge need for intense care management for individuals who have a chronic mental illness and cannot get access to any services. As professionals in the field of mental health, we see that families with loved ones living with a mental health condition often want an immediate and instant “fix” for their family member.

Psychology Articles

Mental Health
Am I mentally ill, could be the question? Mental health affects the anatomical health; which, in turn, affects the physiology of the mind-body system. Depression is a lot more than feeling a bit fed up and down in the dumps, which is something we all experience from time to time and is a natural part of the ups and downs of life.

Any kind of mental health problem can be an intensely isolating experience as the individual concerned cannot help how they are feeling so the understanding and support of family and friends can be of enormous help for someone struggling to cope with their depression.

As the patients correct their vision through posturing their body right, they do not correct their mental disposition; which again tends to spoil their posture the way it had done so in the past when the vision problem had taken root for the first time in their life.


Mental health is really about how we think and feel about ourselves and the world around us, and about how we behave and interact with others in our day to day lives. Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition which a person is at risk of developing if they are overweight or obese and eat an unhealthy diet. The type, intensity, and duration of symptoms vary from person to person, but all mental illnesses are treatable. It’s important to love yourself and take care of your mind and body so as to maintain a state of health and wellness.

Teenage depression, for example – teenage being a … Read More..

Benefits Of Public Health Education

Public Health
Pakistan, as we all know is a developing country and we are currently going through lots of challenges and issues. Collaborating with community groups and public health officials to identify community health needs and the availability of services needed. Make sure you are in a position to positively impact your public health career by obtaining your PhD in Health Science through an Online Doctorate degree.

Public health online degrees are actually easy to handle, the difficult part is the internship. Like say for instance a temporary shelter for the homeless, care for the abandoned children, and other stuffs related to public service. There are also advance programs under public health online degrees.

Public health education not only deals with how to prevent illnesses, it also provides details of how a disease works, which may dispel some myths and fallacies about it in society. Most importantly, they would also study the possible risk factors to health of a society based on the demography of the society.

This is only one reason why completing a public health degree in Australia is an excellent idea. Although we are made to believe that the value of an individual’s liberty may be more important than the interest of the public health, and safety, this only applies to the certain issues but not in all situations.


Public Health
As the world population in Western countries ages, environmental conditions and social infrastructure continue to deteriorate and demand for health care services increases, it is a fact that public health and environmental science will be growth industries. Certain diseases have their own individual prevention methods that people should be well aware of, and employing these techniques lessens the risk of being infected by possible diseases. Professions work with a variety of individuals and situation to provide assistance for foster children, addicts, the homeless, and other people who need various types of services.

You will be recognized as a world leader in the field of Public Health and invited to speak at national and international symposiums. Generally a social work bachelor’s degree is a requirement for health jobs, sometimes however sociology or psychology degrees are considered as an alternative.

Environmental science is another part of public health policy, and here too, Australian colleges offer some unique opportunities. Ban on adverting of alcohol & smoking initiate proactive measures, & avoids exposure of teenagers & adults from life-style diseases.

Why Is Public Health A Controversial Issue?

Public health looks into activities which ensure that public health is maintained and that health of members of the public is not affected in any way. It can lead to several respiratory diseases and long term effects of smoking include early aging and cancer. Public health professionals can come from varying fields such as teaching, journalism, lab science, social workers, and attorneys and not only do they serve the local community, they also serve the national and international community.

In a job market that is suffering from high unemployment, the Health Public Adjuster will be in … Read More..

Seven Advantages Of Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine is any practice that is outside of normal Western medicine. There are many different types of alternative medicine available today and there is an ever-growing interest in everything from a homeopathic remedy for arthritis to finding qualified complementary alternative medical practitioners in a particular area.

Patients will increasingly expect healthcare professionals to have knowledge of both conventional and alternate therapies. To prevent supporters of alternative medicines that have shown some of these practices in some treatments to be effective. Alternative medicine is the collection of all the knowledge, skills, and practices based on age-old theories or experiences.

Cruciferous vegetables are especially beneficial for liver function and may reduce the symptoms associated with liver cancer. Basically, alternative medicine is known simply as a healing practice that does not fit into the defined methods or traditional or allopathic medicine, or conventional western medicine as it is also known.

Alternative medicine includes healing, therapeutic, and preventive health care practices and treatments that may not fall within the realm of conventional medicine. Assigning yourself to do a yoga exercise actually helps in supplementing therapeutic remedies for serious conditions such as cancer, asthma, diabetes, AIDS, and even ailments like urinary tract infections.

Is Alternative Medicine Gaining In Popularity?

Alternative Medicine
Maybe your doctor recently broke the news that you have diabetes. Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine system based on the theory that certain diseases can be treated with minute doses of a natural substance that can produce symptoms similar to those of the illness; effectively stimulating the body’s own defenses against the illness resulting in a healthier balance of internal chemistry.

The alternative medicine industry takes advantage from this and keeps evolving and developing due to the constant need for natural remedies. Yoga benefits are seen as an alternative medicine, helps relieve the upshots of chronic stress in a variety of ways.

Treatments like homeopathy, and other interventions such as yoga, rhythmic breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation, and chanting techniques other complementary treatment, many of which have significantly reduced stress-induced psychological disorders.

Traditional Vs. Alternative Medicine

The long battle between alternative medicine and scientific medicine appears to be over with the appearance of complementary medicine. The Alternative Medicine Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides consumers and professionals with responsible, evidence-based information on the integration of alternative and conventional medicine. The faith in alternative medicine is rising very steeply and it is estimated that as much as 50% of the American people are using some form of alternative treatment.

Holistic health is an alternative medicine approach to treatment and natural healing of the ‘whole being’ (body, spirit and mind), considering mental well-being is as important as physical and that they are closely interconnected. In Germany, half of the doctors write herbs, an office of alternative medicines.

One of the advantages of alternative medicine is that it encompasses a broad range of therapies, treatments and products, thus the search for obtaining positive results doesn’t flow on a narrow path at all. Pine Bark Extract (Pychogenol): … Read More..

The Clearest Sign Of Mental Health

Mental Health
In the last few years we have gained awareness of the various needs that individuals with mental health issues need in order to achieve overall well-being. Although, care management can be very helpful for those issues, we also see a huge need for intense care management for individuals who have a chronic mental illness and cannot get access to any services. As professionals in the field of mental health, we see that families with loved ones living with a mental health condition often want an immediate and instant “fix” for their family member.

The clinical profession of human psychology recognizes mental processes, their effects upon human behavior, and even helps treat behavioral or emotional disorders. Depression and anxiety are the most common health conditions. Mental health problems are painful – emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Today’s psychiatry leans toward day treatment centers where there are less staff members and an increased emphasis on group therapy as opposed to individual therapy, which paved the course for halfway houses as well as allowing patients with mental illness to go home at night and still receive treatment during the day.

Besides all the characteristics of each one’s psychological type, there are many characteristics that are the result of the imitation of other people’s behavior and several other factors that determine the person’s reactions, which are simply inherited and belong to the cognitive mechanism of the human being, who follows behavior patterns like all animals.

Mental Health Hacks

Mental Health
Mental Health is about finding a balance between dealing with the difficulties in life and using the opportunities life presents for further development. Mental health affects the anatomical health; which, in turn, affects the physiology of the mind-body system. Depression is a lot more than feeling a bit fed up and down in the dumps, which is something we all experience from time to time and is a natural part of the ups and downs of life.

As medical science continues to point to the indisputable benefits of regular exercise and following a healthy diet, many of us have begun instituting daily routines designed to make us feel healthier and help us live longer. The reality is that any kind of mental health problem and depression can strike any one of us at any time of our lives.

Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition which a person is at risk of developing if they are overweight or obese and eat an unhealthy diet. The type, intensity, and duration of symptoms vary from person to person, but all mental illnesses are treatable. It’s important to love yourself and take care of your mind and body so as to maintain a state of health and wellness.

Food And Mental Health

Am I mentally ill, could be the question? In this section, we give you useful information about physical and mental ailments, their causes, symptoms, methods of treatment, and preventive measures (provided for educational purposes and not as a substitute for medical advice). Mindfulness training can help you … Read More..